Contact our church office 818-991-3915 or by email at [email protected].
We will be glad to help you with any questions or connections you may need.
Signup for St. Max’s Word On Fire Engage and FlockNote program today and receive inspirational messages from Bishop Robert Barron and others. Stay connected for up to date messages regarding events at St. Max. Click the link below or join by text.
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Word On Fire Engage
Bulletin Editors Jane and Terry Minogue ([email protected]) welcome advertisements of parish and local functions pertaining to our church and community. Please send all information at least two weeks before publication date. All submittances are subject to editing and should be "print ready".
* Register to have the bulletin electronically sent directly to your email:
To have announcements made from the pulpit or after Mass or to speak on behalf of your ministry or program, please contact Karen Marrone at [email protected] no later than 2 weeks in advance. All announcements and speaking presentations must be short and content is subject to approval.
Please contact Sarah Ruffing at [email protected] for anything concerning our website, info for the narthex monitor or posters in office breezeway.