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Generally, a free 1.5 hour training for everyone who completed the VIRTUS® certification Protecting God's Children™ Program. VIRTUS® certification is good for four years then re-certification is required to stay current.
Keeping the Promise Alive™ provides ongoing awareness for the prevention of child sexual abuse. The material covered is designed to identify and reinforce the lessons of the original Protecting God’s Children for Adults program by clarifying some of the more challenging aspects of the sessions and strengthening the participants’ ability to recognize risky behavior in their environments and take action to intervene in potentially threatening situations.
This program answers the questions, “What have been some results of the Protecting God’s Children program, and what else can we do to keep all children safe?”.
The parent session also stresses monitoring of computers, cell phones and other technology that perpetrators use to gain access to children and young people.
This program certification is good for four years, then re-certification is required to stay current.