The special responsibility of members of this ministry is to care for the linens used during our liturgies. Altar cloths, purificators, towels and vestments are laundered, ironed and stored as necessary so that the "Lord's Table" is always fittingly set.
If you are interested in helping with this ministry contact Polly Toohey at [email protected].
Altar Servers
Altar servers perform various functions to assist the Priest and Deacons with the preparation and celebration of the Liturgy.
The ministry is open to girls and boys in grades 5 through 12 who either attend a Catholic school or are enrolled in Religious Education classes.
ALTAR SERVER CHAIRPERSON NEEDED. Contact Kathy Milne at [email protected].
Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist at Mass by distributing Holy Communion and may be called on to bring Holy Communion to the sick.
For information on this ministry contact Denise Hobbs (818) 991-6511.
Communion to the Sick and Homebound: to schedule a Eucharistic Minister and receive Communion because of illness etc., please email Stephanie Donckels with you name, number, and email. Stephanie will assign an EM to visit your home or facility with a mutually convenient time and date.
Lectors reverently proclaim God's Word during Mass and other liturgical services. Lectors also read the Universal Prayer and deliver announcements.
For questions about or you would like to serve the Lector Ministry contact Karen Marrone at [email protected].
Ushers and greeters offer friendly greetings to newcomers, visitors and parishioners as they welcome them to our liturgies.They also help people find seats, take up collections, assist with the flow at Communion and assist people in need.
Sign up to join this rewarding ministry: contact Bob Armstrong: [email protected]